Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Five types of cultural studies

Assignment topic: Five types of cultural studies

Name: Ravi Rajyaguru

Roll no.28
M.A. Semester: 2
Enrolment No.: PG15101032
Year: 2015- 17
Paper no.:8
Submitted to: Department of English
Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University

v Introduction

Before we go to the point that what is Cultural Studies? We have to understand what is Culture? In dictionary cultural means the art, customs, lifestyles, background and habits that characterize a particular society or nation. We have different culture like western culture, eastern, Latin, Middle Eastern and African culture etc. Now, let’s first see what culture is.

Ø What is culture?

ü Culture is the word that we have got from Latin word ‘cultura ’.
ü ‘To honour’ and ‘ protect ’.
ü Culture is a representative of communication.
ü Culture is the structure of knowledge shared by a quite large group of people.
ü “Culture is the learned activities of society or a subgroup.”

Ø What is Cultural Study?

Cultural studies is the art of understanding contemporary society, with an importance on politics and power cultural studies is an umbrella term used to look at a number of different subject. Categories studied include media studies including film and Journalism, sociology, industrial culture, globalization and social theory.

Culture is made by different types of  group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, food, social lifestyle, music and arts. Today, In the United States as in other countries populated largely by immigrants, the culture is made by the many groups of people who are leading the country. And there are some types of culture like,

v Five types of cultural studies:

There are five types of cultural studies. Now let’s check it out that how these five types of cultural studies differs from the other one. These Studies are:

ü British cultural materialism
ü New Historicism
ü American Multiculturalism
ü Post modernism and popular culture
ü Postcolonial studies

Ø British cultural Materialism

Cultural studies are referred to as cultural materialism in Britain. Matthew Arnold redefined the ‘givens’ of British culture. “There are no masses; There are only ways of seeing other people as masses”

Edward Burnett Tylor’s pioneering anthological study ‘primitive culture

“ Culture or civilization, taken in its widest ethnographic sense, is a complex whole which include knowledge, beliefs, art, morals, law, and any other capabilities and habits by man as a member of society”

Ø Britain has two trajectories for culture

1—First leads to past culture preserver
2—Second leads to future Althussar insisted that ideology was ultimately in control of the people that the main function of ideology was to produce the society’s existing relations of production and that function is even carried out in literary texts.
Cultural materialists also revolved around more humanized and even spiritual insights of the great students of Rabelais and Dostoevsky, Russian formalist Bakhtn, especially his extension of the dialog form.

Ø New Historicism:

New historicism is a school of literary theory, first developed in 1980. the term ‘new historicism’ was created by the American critic Stephen Greenbelts.  A new historicism looks at literature  in  wider historical  context, examining both how the writer ‘s times affected the work and how the work reflects the writer’s times, in turn recognizing that current cultural contexts colour that critic’s conclusion.

“The text is historical, and history textual”
Michael Warner phrases “History is always historicized”
Much new historicism focuses on the marginalization of subjects such as those identified as withes, the insane, heretics, vagabonds, and political prisoners. Laputa ''the where ''what did Jonathan swift mean when he gave that name to the flying island in the third voyage of Gulliver’s Travels? It is a question that has political reality of the British Empire upon which the sun never set an ideology left over from the previous century. New historicism has made its biggest mark on literary studies of the Renaissances and Romantic periods and has revised motions of literature as privileged, apolitical writing.

Ø American Multiculturalism

          As a philosophy, multiculturalism began as part of the pragmatism movement at the end of the 19th century in Europe and United States. American multiculturalism was come into existence in 1964 with the passing civil right Act.

“Every American should understand Mexico from the point of view of the observer of the conquest and of the history before the conquest……….”

In 1972 Harvard University study by the geneticist Richard Lewontin found that most genetic differences were within racial groups, not between them. In the new country, if interracial trends continue, Americans will be puzzled by race distinctions from the past since children of multiracial backgrounds may be the norm rather than the exception.

As we discuss above that American Multiculturalism have its different four types like,

American identity is vested in a commitment to core values expressed in the American Creed and the ideals of Exceptionalism raises a fundamental concern that has been the source of considerable debate. Can American identity be meaningfully established by a commitment to core values and ideals among a population, The American Studies curriculum serves to illustrate this shift in attitude. The curriculum, which had for decades relied upon the “melting pot” metaphor as an organizing framework, began to employ the alternative notion of the “American mosaic.” Multiculturalism, in the context of the “American mosaic,” celebrates the unique cultural heritage of racial and ethnic groups, some of whom seek to preserve their native language and lifestyle.

Ø Postmodernism and popular culture


                 The term ‘postmodernism’ first entered the philosophical lexicon in 1979, with the publication of The Postmodern Condition by Jean-Francois Lyotard. Postmodernism question everything rationalist European philosophy held to be true. Postmodernism possesses several element which are necessary which given by Jean Baudrillard. It also affected in

o   Building
o   Literature
o   Cinema
o   Painting
o   Music
o   Photography etc

Postmodernism like poststructuralist and deconstruction is a critique of aesthetic of the preceding age, but besides more critique post modernism celebrates the very act of dismembering tradition.

Postmodernism is not a method of doing philosophy, but rather a way of approaching traditional ideas and practices in nontraditional ways that deviate from re-established super structural modes. This has caused difficulties in defining what postmodernism actually means or should mean and therefore remains a complex and controversial concept, which continues to be debated. The idea of the postmodern gained momentum through to the 1950s before dominating literature, art and the intellectual scene of the 1960s.Postmodernism's origins are generally accepted as having been conceived in art around the end of the nineteenth century.

Popular culture

There are four main types of popular culture analysis.

·        Production analysis.
·        Textual analysis.
·        Audience analysis.
·        Historical analysis.

Popular culture is the media, products, and attitudes considered to be part of the mainstream of a given culture and the everyday life of common people. Studying media culture is not only to focus on the ‘cultural aspects’ of any media but also paying attention to the economics of media.

This term as it is also known as Pop Culture so The term ‘Popular Culture' was coined in the 19th century or earlier. Traditionally, the term has denoted the education and general “culturedness” of the lower classes, as opposed to the “official culture” and higher education emanated by the dominant class. The stress in the distinction from “official culture” became more pronounced towards the end of the 19th century

Ø Postcolonial Studies

            So far as my reading concerned about this study of postcolonial we can say that it is against colonialism because colonialism came into existence at the beginning of the century but slowly and steadily some people started to oppose against it so Anti-colonialism came into Enlightment so post-colonialism came into utilization oppose the colonialism though it came into later on but we can find the post-colonial study in the play.

Third world of writers :-

·        Frantz Fanon.
·        Homi k. Bhabha’s.
·        Salman Rushdie.
·        Gaytri Chakravorty Spivak

Post colonialism came into utilization to oppose the Colonialism though it came into later on but we can find the postcolonial study in the play A Tempest which is written by Aime Ceaser which also deals with the Postcolonial study because in this kind of study an Individual can find the conflict between colonizer and the colonized people as it is found in many of work of literature and the best example is A tempest which also highlights the same thing in the play. Many third words write focus on both colonialism and the change created a postcolonial culture.

Ø Conclusion

So, cultural studies we can find five types of cultural studies. Which were helps to recognize the different cultures with the different communities and histories. Cultural Studies exists with particular ideas which shows particular cultural world. Sometimes popular culture can so overtake and repackage a literary work.

Archetypal criticism

Assignment topic: Archetypal criticism

Name: Ravi Rajyaguru

Roll no.28
M.A. Semester: 2
Enrolment No.: PG15101032
Year: 2015- 17
Paper no.:7
Submitted to: Department of English
Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University

v Introduction
Herman Northrop Frye was a professor of English at Victoria Collage at the University of Toronto. Frye published his first book, ‘Fearful Symmetry: A study of William Blake’ in 1947. The book is a highly original study of the poetry of Blake.

In literature, Literary writers always use some kind of symbols, which all have some kind of deep meaning that can be connected with nature, myths or any particular thing. Archetypal criticism is a type of critical theory that analysis a text by emphasising on recurring myths and archetypes in the narrative symbols, images and character types in literary work.

Ø Northrope Frye’s Contribution to the Archetypal criticism.

Frye has given his valuable works “The Archetypes of Literature “ in 1951 and the second one “ Anotomy of criticism “ in 1957. Most of the archetypal approaches are covered by Frye in his book “Anatomy of Criticism “ that we can apply in the theory of literature and the practice of literary criticism.

In his work “ Architypes of Literature “, he has given a basic theory of arts generally and then he gives more detail and developed “Anatomy of Cricism”. His two additions are to identify and classify the archetypes of literature.

Ø Frye’s definition
“In literary criticism the term archetype suggests narrative designs, patterns of action, character types, themes and images which are known to a wide verity of works of literature also to myths, dreams and even social rituals.”

                          “A kind of literary anthropology”

Carl. G. Jung has given a basic meaning of Archetypes according in “Collective unconscious that it is full of primordial images and psychic residue. And James.G.Frazer said that it is used to identify elemental patterns of myth and ritual. Myths are used by creative writers and critics analyze text is called archetypal criticism.

Ø Archetypal criticism as “A new poetics”

The ‘New Poetics’ is to be found in the theory of the mythological framework, which has come to be known as “archetypal Criticism”. It is through the lens of this structure, which is really a centrifugal progress of backing up from the text towards of literary criticism becomes clear. The learning of recurring structure pasterns grants students an emancipation distance from their own society, and gives theme vision of a higher human state the logician sublime.

In literary criticism the term archetype signifies recurrent narrative designs, patterns of action, charactertypes, themes and images, so let’s check it out these terms.

·       Patterns of action:

This term is sometimes used in ethology to denote an natural behavioral cycle that is quite invariant within the species and almost certainly runs to completion. In depth analysis of behavioral chain since the term was first coined has meant the term is now largely replaced by phrases such as "behavior patterns" or "behavioral acts".

·       Charactertypes:
          A character is a person in a narrative work of arts. A character that rises as representative of a particular class or group of people is known as a type. Types include both collection of characters and those which are more fully individualized.

·       Themes:
          A theme is the middle idea or ideas explored by a literary work. A work of literature may have more than one theme. Hamlet, for instance, deals with the themes of death, revenge and action. King Lear's themes include justice, reunion, madness, and betrayal.

·       Images:
A representation of the external form of a person or thing in art. Frye gives the season in his archetypal representation. Each season is attached with a literary genre like comedy with spring, romance with summer, tragedy with autumn, and satire or irony with winter..Now let’s check it out how seasons are connected with literary genres here by Frye.

v Frye use seasons in archetypal criticism

Ø Comedy:
It is united with spring because comedy suggests the birth of the hero, revival and rebirth. It also suggests the new creation as well as the power over the darkness.Spring also stands for the defeat of winter and darkness. In spring also there is the new creation in trees which symbolizes the similarities between comedy and spring.

Ø Romance:
It is connected with summer because summer is the end of life in the seasonal calendar,in  the western countries. Similarly romance, the genre, culminates with some type of success, particularly in a marriage.

Ø Autumn:
It is connected with tragedy. As autumn is the dying period in the seasonal calendar, similarly the genre, tragedy stands for  the ‘fall of the hero or heroine or protagonist. Autumn itself symbolizes the fall and which is considered to be full of darkness.

Ø Satire :
Satire or Irony is like winter as they stands for the ‘dark’ genres. Satire is one type of disrespectful act. It is full of darkness, dissolution, and the return of chaos and the defeat of the heroic figure. Sometimes satire becomes very cruel and  winter is also very cruel in western countries. Now Frye gives the context of a genre proves how a symbol an image is to be analysed. He gives five different views of different fields like human, animal, vegetation, mineral, and water.

Ø Human:
The comedic human world is representative of wish –fulfillment. In its category, the tragic human world is of loneliness, cruelty, and the hamartia. Thus, in different world, the roles of different humans can not be modify.

Ø Animals
The comedic animal world stands for the quiet and rural animals like cow, sheep etc. Whereas in the tragic animal world they are like hunters, greedy like wolves, leopard etc.

Ø Vegetation :
          The comedic land of vegetation is rural as well as gardens, parks also stands for roses and lotuses. And the tragic land of vegetation is like a wild forest or sometimes a barren place.

Ø Mineral:
The comedic mineral realm stands for cities, temples or precious stones. The tragic mineral realm represents desert, ruined places.

Ø Water:
In the end  the comedic realm of water is stands for rivers. And in tragic realm by seas, particularly by floods. Thus from all these, we may say that structure approach is based on archetypes. There are two ways to proceed:
v Inductive and Deductive Method

The word inductive stands for looking patterns, or, making educated guesses.The word deductive means to look for consequences look for reason and try to categories. So, in this way,this section deals with deductive way.In  Inductive method simpel we can say, That is from particular truths or  the particular truth of the general truth. The Deductive Method means analysis proceeds to establish the meaning of work from the general truth to particular truth.

v Archetypes in Characters

Ø The Hero:
The Hero is a character who largely displays honesty and fight against evil in order to restore harmony and justice to the world. The traditional protagonist is the leading person of the story: the one who gives energy to the action. We like  it and prays for its success. For example Dr faustus,Robinson Crusoe  etc.

Ø The outcast
He or she has been out casted from society. The outcast figure can oftentimes also be considered as a Christ figure. For example in Indian myths there are characters like Pandvas, Ram,Sita,Laxman, Sugreev, Vibhishan etc.

Ø The Scapegoat
A character that takes the responsibility of everything bad that happens. No one try to understand whether he or she is actually guilty or not. For example Tom Jones, Ophelia in “Hamlet”, etc.

v Situation or symbols

·       The quest:
The characters search for something whether consciously or unconsciously. Their act, thoughts, belief are centered around the goal of finishing this search. For example Rama’s search for Sita, NalDamyanti’s search for each other, Savitri’s search for Satyakam’s life.

·       The Task:
This demotes to a probably superhuman act that must be skilful in order to fulfill the crucial goal. For example, Frodo’s task to keep the ring safe in J.R.R. Tolkein’s “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy.

·       Water:
Water is required to life and development; it normally emerges as a birth or rebirth symbol. It is also strong life power. Symbolizes creation, purification and salvation also fruitfulness and development.

·       Sun:
It stands for creative energy like fire, thinking, illumination, knowledge, spiritual wisdom, faithfulness, dawn etc. Rising sun stands for birth, creation, explanation. While setting sun stands for  death.

Ø Colors:

ü Black: gloom, disorder, mystery, the anonymous, before existence, death, the lifeless, evil.

ü Red: blood,sacrifice, cruel enthusiasm, chaos, dawn, birth, fire, sentiment, wounds, death, feeling.

ü Green: hope,development, greed, Earth, fruitfulness, feeling, vegetation, water, nature, kindness.

ü White: light,spotlessness, harmony, purity, goodness, Spirit, morality, creative power, spiritual thinking.

ü Orange: fire, pride, ambition, selfishness, Venus.

ü Yellow: enlightenment, wisdom.

ü Blue: clear sky, the day, the sea, height, intensity, heaven, religious feeling.

Ø Conclusion

Archetypal criticism related with the theory of myth he differentiate many thing in archetypal. Archetypal is study of myth and myth is very important tool in literature so ‘every work of literature has its place within this scheme or myth, every piece of literature adds to the myth.